Triathlon Greentech


Triathlon Greentech

Exploring Partnerships for Plastic Recycling

A client developed a novel method for sustainable plastic recycling and requested a market and partner analysis for improved market insights. Triathlon provided an analysis of potential partnerships and attractive industry segments to advance the method.


Business Value of an Energy Storage

A client, developing an innovative energy storage solution, wanted to define the business value of their product offerings. Triathlon provided an analysis in energy system operation which quantified the energy storage solution’s potential to improve variation management.


Market analysis for sales forecast model

A start-up company had developed a tool supporting customers in making enhanced sales predictions for new products. Triathlon provided a market analysis and identified the most attractive markets to focus on for the company.

Triathlon Greentech

Circular Battery Service Offer

A battery manufacturer needed support in defining a circular service offer for their product to enable the most cost efficient and sustainable battery life cycle. Triathlon supported in defining the key life prolonging service initiatives and prioritized them in alignment with the company’s core business offer


Regulatory review for a novel product

An innovative client within the agriculture industry aimed to place a novel product on the market. Triathlon established prerequisites for successful market entry by navigating the fast-moving regulatory landscape, thoroughly reviewing and analyzing how regulatory requirements impact the client


Sensor market analysis

A client within the nanotechnology industry wanted to investigate the potential of their product within the sensor market. Triathlon provided a comprehensive analysis of the existing sensor technologies on the market and defined the commercial opportunities.

Triathlon Digital

Capturing Changing Market Needs

Understanding the ever-changing market environment is crucial for any industry actor. Triathlon Group supported a tier 1 supplier in capturing and understanding the market changes driven by end-customer behaviors and needs to better forecast the market and serve their customers.


Analysis of Fuel Cell Potential

A driveline manufacturer wanted to offer sustainable alternatives to their customers and saw the need to evaluate the technical and commercial potential of fuel cells.​Triathlon provided a comprehensive analysis identifying the most and least attractive customer applications for fuel cells.


Hydrogen Deployment Business Models

A client in the automotive industry wanted to define a strategy for deployment of hydrogen fueled products. Triathlon provided an analysis of the hydrogen landscape and potential business models the client could adopt.

Climate control

Defining Future Way of Working

A client with a global footprint and a decentralized way of working, as a consequence of several M&A without integration, needed to harmonize their way of working across the globe. Triathlon supported the client to initiate the transformation program with the purpose to define the future way of working.

Triathlon Greentech

2nd Life for High Voltage Batteries

An OEM needed support in exploring opportunities related to 2nd life of its high voltage batteries. Triathlon supported in driving key initiatives and pilots as well as in re-evaluating the company’s 2nd life strategy. 

Life Science

Explore Need for a New Innovation

A research group found a new method for particle tracking in liquids. Triathlon conducted a market analysis to explore the needs for the new method in different business and research segments, resulting in key input for development and potential collaborations.

Featured Insights

Carbon Removal Certificate Market: An Outlook

Carbon Removal Certificates present new possibilities in sustainability and could be an opportunity in supporting companies to achieve climate neutrality.

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Strategy - The Key to Unlocking Full AI Potential

Most executives believe that AI is a key enabler to reach growth targets, yet many companies struggle to successfully adopt AI. What differentiates companies who succeed with their AI transformations from those who do not? Triathlon Data & Analytics is surveying manufacturing companies to investigate what obstacles they encounter, as well as how they are overcome.

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Triathlon Group’s Industrial Report 2024/25

Triathlon Group's annual Industrial Report shows that the Swedish manufacturing industry faces significant challenges during 2024. However, many companies are optimistic about a recovery and better market conditions in 2025.


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Ensure a Truly Efficient BI Improvement Process

Implementing a BI solution is an accomplishment, concurrently only the beginning. To fully grasp the benefits, BI maintenance and continuous improvements are...

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Life science trends outlook

5 trends to watch

The life sciences sector is evolving rapidly, driven by technological advancements, market dynamics and the need for effective, efficient and patient-centric solutions. The post-pandemic years have been shaped by uncertainty and instability, combined with sharper regulatory requirements raising the barrier to market. As we look ahead, several key trends are poised to shape the industry’s future.

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Triathlon Group’s Industrial Report 2024/25

Triathlon Group's industrial report (Verkstadsrapporten) highlights a challenging year for Swedish manufacturing companies, with expected decline in top-line growth, order intake, and workforce. For 2025, the companies show a cautious optimism for market recovery.

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Challenges & Opportunities in AI-based MedTech

Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a catalyst for innovation in the   HealthTech domain, with the promise to enable faster, smarter and more effective care to people across the globe.

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Safeguarding Against Escalating Digital Threats

Cybersecurity involves measures aimed at preventing and safeguarding your digital infrastructure from cyberattacks. Ransomware, an attack particularly successful in disclosing confidential data, is a threat to companies of all sizes across all industries.



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On the Projected Downturn in EV Sales

There are multiple reasons to why electric vehicle adoption is projected to stall in the coming year. Not only is it due to increased interest rates but also higher demands from the next group in the adoption cycle. When consumer confidence returns, it is essential that the pace of product development and infrastructure investments has been kept.

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Increased Sustainability Requirements Demand Automated Processes

The requirements for Sustainability reporting have increased significantly during recent years, challenging companies’ processes for reporting. Implementing an automated reporting platform can significantly limit dependency on individuals, streamline manual work and reduce the risk of errors.

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Data engineering to unlock the potential of BI

Business intelligence (BI) supports organizations to extract valuable insights from their unstructured and structured data to facilitate strategic decisions. However, unlocking this potential requires complex data to be managed through data engineering, including data ingestion, storage and processing, before it can be transformed into tangible values...

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Triathlon Group’s Industrial Report 2023/24

Triathlon Group's annual industry report (Verkstadsrapporten) shows a strong top-line growth during 2022 for Swedish and West Swedish manufacturing companies. Despite growing top-line, West Swedish companies express concerns regarding the possibility of passing on increased cost, which is expected to lead to reduced profitability...

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Is the Semiconductor Crisis Over?

The world has, in recent years, become acutely aware of the elusive group of components referred to as semiconductors. Their pervasive influence touches every facet of the modern business landscape, from automotive giants to consumer electronics titans. However, what was once an unassailable cornerstone of innovation has now become a fragile keystone in the worldwide economy. These components are not only the brains behind our gadgets but are...

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Usage of Generative AI in the Swedish Manufacturing Industry

Discover the untapped potential and key considerations of deploying generative AI in the thriving Swedish manufacturing industry. Deep dive into Triathlon's research which has summarized the advantages of, as well as the risks associated with, this groundbreaking technology.

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Emerging Transportation Management Systems

Emerging and disruptive technologies such as AI, Cloud Computing, Big Data Analytics, and Autonomous Vehicles have unlocked untapped potential for Tra...

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Capturing value in the energy transition

The rapidly increase of renewable energy sources paves the way for storage solutions. New regulatory and political incentives programs force actors in the industry to prepare for the new set-up to defend their industry space.

Renewables are now surpassing traditional sources
The global energy crisis has triggered unprecedented momentum behind renewables, with the world set to add as much renewable power in the next 5 years as...

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Democratizing Healthcare by Machine Learning

Machine learning is revolutionizing businesses, through valuable insights, predicted outcomes, and facilitated decision-making. In healthcare, the models efficiently analyze patient data, identify anomalies and offload staff. But besides a reliable algorithm...

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Succeeding in IT and Business Carve-Outs

Executing an IT separation within a business carve-out can be a daunting task for leadership teams. However, by considering the following points, the transformation can be executed with greater efficiency and clarity...

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Co-opetition – Collaborate With Competitors to Get Ahead

Originating from game theory, co-opetition describes how competitors can cooperate to get ahead, or reach a common goal, by working together. Despite its benefits in the prevailing business climate, competitors are – as you might know – often hesitant to collaborate, and as a result, they miss out on favorable opportunities...

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Assessing Environmental Impact With LCA

Organizations meet increased pressure to disclose their environmental impact. A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a standardized methodology that quantifies this impact, providing data for organizations to address the increased demand.

Increased need to quantify environmental impact
Organizations are under increasing pressure to be transparent about their environmental performance. Firstly, the legal reporting requirements are becoming ever stricter, which is illustrated by...

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OKR – An Effective Tool to Drive Goal Achievement

Developed by Intel’s CEO Andy Grove back in the 1970’s, the goal and management method Objectives and Key Results (OKR) has since become the de facto methodology for many tech giants like Google, Amazon and Spotify and is spreading like wildfire across successful startups. The method enables companies achieve their goals by focusing on what is most important – at any given time...

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Combining Data Privacy & Machine Learning

The development of computing capabilities during the last decades has enabled organizations to gather and process large amount of data using advanced mac...

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Gain Efficiencies by Product Variant Strategies

When companies extend offerings through product variants, they will face increasing costs and related challenges as the portfolio grows in complexity. Concurrently, variants generate deep customer value and justify higher price points, where mitigation strategies will enable improved lead times and profits gains...

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Triathlon Group’s Industrial Report 2022/23

Triathlon Group’s annual Industrial Report (Verkstadsrapporten) shows that the Western Sweden’s manufacturing industry have recovered after the pandemic. However, high inflation, higher interest rates, continued material shortages and increasing energy prices result in that companies are uncertain about the future demand...

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The M&A Year 2021 in Review and 2022 Outlook

M&A activity in Europe surged in 2021 with more capital spent on acquisitions than any of the previous seven years. After a relatively poor 2020, transaction volumes bounced back to pre-pandemic levels and more. Has the M&A market scaled new heights in Europe?

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Making Industrial Facility Operations Sustainable

The industrial sector is a key driver of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions, and a significant share of these emissions comes from facility operations. As ...

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Study Shows 3 Enablers for Sustainability Leadership

The global sustainability transformation is rapidly evolving. To enable a successful transformation and ultimately become a sustainability leader, fulfilling organizational prerequisites is key. Based on a study* of companies at the sustainability forefront and interviews with sustainability executives, Triathlon Group has identified three organizational enablers for success...

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A Paradigm Shift Within Digital Services?

Have you ever read the comments field on an article posted on social media? Then you have probably encountered both hatred and the spread of disinformation. Wit...

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Building a Culture of Innovation

Innovation is a key recipe for success, yet most organizations still struggle to generate and execute enough new ideas to the desired level of novelty. The...

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Mandatory Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence

The long-awaited proposal for an EU Directive on mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence has finally been released, following the increasing global momentum towards socially responsible and sustainable business. A topic that in times like these is ever more relevant.

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The net-zero challenge for mobile machinery

Efforts in mitigating climate change have resulted in ambitious global targets on CO2 emission reductions. Highly affected by these targets are mobile machinery which now face a challenging transition towards net-zero emissions.

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What is your contribution to Agenda 2030?

United Nations’ 17 Sustainability Development Goals (SDG) show the direction on how to make an impact on the world’s most urgent societal challenges. These goals aim to mobilize efforts and they call for action to organizations around the globe to use innovation and creativity to combat these challenges.

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Triathlon Group’s Industrial Report 2021/22

Triathlon Group’s annual Industrial Report (Verkstadsrapporten) shows that the Western Sweden’s manufacturing industry was initially hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, but recovery has been rapid and forecasts for the future are positive. However, uncertainties exist on how the cost development of raw materials and transports will progress, which is indicated in this year’s report.

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Get Topline Impact from Value-Driven Sales

Project sales between businesses are complex and to succeed with a high hit-rate, the sales process needs to turn from a traditional selling with inside-out to an outside-in perspective. By identifying the unique buying points for the customer, new ways of selling are derived that can impact topline results.

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The M&A Year 2020 in Review

Heading into 2020, global M&A activity was declining, with both a deal value and deal count falling in 2019 compared to the all time high levels of previous years.

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Eliminate the Skill Gap for Value-Based Sales

A sales force which has the skills to identify and sell value is necessary to meet the challenges with value-based sales.

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